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Selectmen's Minutes - December 15, 1992
December 15, 1992                       Present:  James Haggerty
                                                                Robert Crowley
                                                                Joseph Frisoli
                                                                Robert Andrews- 7:45

Chairman noted Nick Fornaro, Past Gas Inspector from 1980 to 1990 passed away.

Mr. Haggerty announced a letter from So. Shore Vo-Tech re their groundbreaking.  Board invited on 12/22 at 10:00 a.m.  476 Webster St. in Hanover.  

Board conducted a joint pole location hearing for Liberty St. from Gorwin Drive.  The new pole will serve as a guide pole for the pole which is being moved several feet at the entrance at Gorwin Drive.  Motion by Frisoli, 2nd Crowley, 3-0-1 vote, Andrews abstains.  Noted by the Highway Surveyor asking Edison to contact him prior to digging since he had some concerns with the drainage on that side of the street.

Board agreed there would no discussion on Rte. 58 since they met over the weekend and since they are scheduled to meet with the Secretary of Highways on Wednesday.              

Chairman read Common Victualer Licenses, motion by Andrews, 2nd Crowley to approve all as read.

Chairman read alcohol beverage licenses.  Motion by Andrews to renew all licenses, 2nd Crowley.  Amendment made by Joe Frisoli that all liquor establishments should have their employees TIPs certified within 6 months or the Board will request a hearing concerning their license.  3-1 vote, Andrews opposed.  Main motion voted 4-0.

Board voted on motion by Crowley, 2nd Andrews, 4-0 to renew Class I license for Hunter Recreational Vehicle Service.  Board voted to renew Class II licenses for Specialty Auto Inc, F & M.Auto, Inc. , Raymond Symmons dba Signature Sales, J.J. Auto Sales.  Motion by Andrews, 2nd Crowley, 4-0 vote.

Board discussed goals and objectives.  Police Chief read through each of his goals and objectives and discussed with the Board issues concerning each relative to its completion or progress.  The Board congratulated him on the status of his goals and objectives and applauded him on his impact on the Town in the last 6 months.  

Following Chief, Exec. Sec. reported on his goals and objectives.  He submitted his list with a status report on each one and read same.  Following that he answered questions from the Board and explained that a lot of his time had been taken up with Rte. 58.  Selectman Crowley congratulated the Exec. Sec. on his performance in spite of Rte. 58 as did the Chairman who corrobarated several of the goals he had been involved in.  Both Mr. Frisoli and Mr. Haggerty agree that they would attempt to work with Town Accountant and Treasurer/Collector under goal 6 improving their computer capacity.  Also discused putting in article in Town Meeting or budget line with a sum of money in it for professional development and feel that management people, should have the ability to take advantage of instructional courses and seminars that would benefit the Town.  Chairman pointed out under goal 7 that although the central purchasing committee has been established, the goal should be changed to reflect the bylaw will be presented by them.  

Board announced that meeting of December 29 will be cancelled.

Board chose the following terms for members of the Capital Improvement Committee.  
John Travers, Marylou Sutter, Rachel Walsh, 3 years, 1 Frisoli, 2 Crowley, 3-0-1 vote.  Andrews opposed
Robert Arsenault and Charles Flynn,  1 Frisoli, 2 Andrews, 4-0 vote.
Robin Muise, Thomas Mosher 1 year, 1 Crowley, 2 Andrews, 4-0 vote.

Mr. Andrews announced that the Thomas Hall Committee had voted to send a request to the Board of Selectmen asking the Board to send a letter of thank you to Tom and Betty Dahlberg relative to their role in researching the insurance on Thomas Hall.  Motion by Andrews, 2 Frisoli to send the letter.

Mr. Andrews wished to publicly thank all the inhabitants in the Town for their cooperation during the storm.  As the Acting Civil Defense Director he commended the Police Chief and the Fire Chief, the Highway and the Water for their operations during the weekend.  Mr. Andrews moved, 2nd Frisoli to send a letter to all departments expressing a thank you to the employees who worked over the weekend.  4-0 vote.

Board voted on motion by Andrews, 2nd Crowley to close the Town Hall Thursday, December 24 and December 31.  4-0 vote.

Chairman announced that on Saturday an emergency meeting the Board did vote to have Robert Andrews Acting Civil Defense Director as Mr. Hommel is ill.

Board entered exec. session under #3, negotiations, motion by Frisoli, 2nd Crowley, roll call vote, 4-0.

Before adjourning it was pointed out to the Board that we do not have a bylaw setting hours of operation for trucks and noise.  Chairman agreed that something should be drafted.  Motion to adjourn by Frisoli, 2nd Andrews, 4-0 vote.  9:20 p.m.

Robert Crowley, Clerk